Jak rozwinąć skrzydła ? Spreading wings – a meeting with Mr David Orr
Uczniowie klasy 3Dg w ramach cyklu spotkań z interesującymi osobami świata nauki i biznesu mieli okazję rozmawiać 15 grudnia z gościem zza oceanu, panem Davidem Orrem, pilotem amerykańskiej armii. Relację z tego spotkania, w języku ojczystym niezwykłego gościa przygotowała Oliwia Zientek, pod opieką wychowawczyni Pani Profesor Renaty Adamczyk.
Spreading wings – a meeting with Mr David Orr
On Wednesday, December 15, 2021 we had a great pleasure to meet an extraordinary person – Mr David Orr, a former American pilot who used to fly such machines as F-16 fighters. Because of the ongoing pandemic and logistical problems, the meeting had to take place online. Despite the fact that our guest had to wake up at an ungodly hour of 4 o’clock local time for the meeting, it did not stop Mr Orr from sharing his valuable knowledge and wisdom in an incredibly friendly and energetic way. We asked him various questions about his career and private life in a typical for the youth lively manner.
Though there were some difficulties at the beginning, because of the stress that accompanied both sides on the special occasion, in the end all of the participants learned a lot of new things that day. Mr Orr taught us the importance of living live to the fullest, enjoying every moment around people that we love. Even though the meeting was focused on his professional career, he eagerly told us a lot about his family, and when asked about the most lifechanging moments for him, without hesitation he said it was the birth of his children, proving his words about cherishing time with the loved ones true. Our guest talked us through the dark and light sides of being a pilot, as well as about his friends he met along the way, both in the army and in high school.
To summarize, both parties of the meeting had an incredible experience. Mr Orr spread this cheerfulness and positive energy among our class. One of many positive accents throughout the meeting was an unexpected guest that had appeared on Mr Orr’s computer screen – his cat. The atmosphere created by even such a tiny thing as that made the meeting truly exceptional. Thank you so much Mr Orr!